Child Development Center
Hours of Operation Mon - Fri, 6AM - 5:30PM (623) 856-6338
Current Handbook
Whether your child is six weeks old or five years of age, the Child Development Center (CDC) provides a quality care program to assist you.
Located in Building 1119 on Commissary Road, the CDC accepts children with reservations and on a space-available, drop-in basis. Your child may stay for a few hours or an entire day, on a limited basis. The center also has an active sublet program for parents seeking temporary care.
Accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children, the CDC has numerous activities, to both entertain and assist your child?s learning in a safe, supervised environment. At your option, your child may play individually or in groups supervised by caregivers.
The CDC?s activity centers include reading, manipulative play, music, painting, water play, and sand tables. Weather permitting, children may play outside on playground equipment. The Center also provides breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack.
Current Programs:
The Child Development Center is open Monday through Friday, and is closed on holidays and weekends.
For more information, call the CDC office at (623) 856-6339.

(623) 856-6998
Information for Parents
Provider List
Family Child Care (FCC) gives children a chance to be in a homelike environment and receive needed developmental experiences in a nurturing and natural learning environment.
Providers - the program seeks new on base providers to contact the FCC office for more information 856-7472 or
Hours of Operation - The FCC Office is open from 9:30 - 10:30 am Monday through Friday for assistance in obtaining child care. The FCC Lending Program is open for providers from 4 to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday; and 4 - 6:30 pm on Tuesday and every third Saturday of the month.
On Base / Affiliated Home Child Care - Active duty or retired military spouses living on or off base can become licensed/affiliated Child Care Providers. We are also looking for individuals interested in providing care for special needs children or offering care during nontraditional shifts.
FCC Provider Qualifications - To provide child care, for more than ten hours per week on a regular basis in base housing, you must be licensed through the FCC Office. Persons interested in operating a FCC home must be at least 18 years of age, speak, read and write English, have a high school diploma or GED, and obtain required insurance coverage. Unlicensed child care in housing could result in the loss of base housing privileges for providers and parents who use them. For FCC regulations, go to AFI 34-278 on the AF Publications website. The FCC program accepts children with chronic health problems, including HIV-positive children, in addition, the FCC program approves providers with chronic health problems, including HIV-positive individuals.
Types of Licenses:
Licensed Family Child Care Home: A home on base or in Air Force-Leased housing approved by the commander to provide child care following the requirements of Air Force Family Child Care Standards
Licensed Affiliated Home: Off-base providers that are in compliance with the Air Force Family Child Care Standards and voluntarily submit to the same screening, training and inspection requirements as on-base licensed providers. Must be spouses of active duty or retired military members.
Licensed Accredited Home: A family child care provider who is Licensed though the Family Child Care program and who has been accredited by an external accrediting agency such as the National Association for Family Child Care.
Special Needs Child ? Child who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, has a record of such impairment, or is regarded as having such impairment. If you are in need of a provider to care for children with physical impairments or chronic illness, please call the FCC Office for more information. If you are looking for childcare to attend the Base Newcomer ?s Orientation, please contact the FCC Coordinator 623-856-7472.
FFC Special Programs:
Extended Duty Child Care
This program assists military members needing additional care because they work expanded hours, evenings, week-ends or have a temporary shift change. At least one parent must be active duty military, reservist or a National Guard member.
Subsidy Program
This program increases the amount of affordable child care available, specifically infant and toddler care, to Air Force families.
FREE Child Care for PCS?ers
Active Duty personnel of all ranks, with PCS orders in or out of Luke AFB, can receive up to 20 hours of FREE child care with FCC (only) providers. Register to participate at the Family Support Center, Bldg. 1113. Sixteen hours of free FCC child care, per child on a space available basis, is authorized for active duty personnel returning from overseas deployments. Personnel attending the Heartlink briefing may also receive free child care. The Air Force Aid Society will pay FCC providers who offer child care for its volunteers' children.
Call 856-6839.
Program provides child care to eligible members returning from 30-days or more deployment in support of contingency operations as well as those returning for their 2-week Rest and Recuperation (R&R) leave.
Luke Family Child Care Program is a participating member of the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program.
Enhanced Child Care Referral Services
Operation Child Care
Designed to support the short-term child care needs of National Guard and Reserve members in Operation Iraqi Freedom or Operation Enduring Freedom. Dedicated child care providers from across the country pledged their support to Service Members returning home for rest and recuperation leave by donating a minimum of four hours of child care services. Their volunteer time allows service members to take care of family business, take a spouse out to dinner, and reconnect with family members.
Operation: Military Child Care (OMCC)
Child care fee assistance for Active-Duty Military (Army, Marine Corps, Navy, and Air Force) National Guard and Reserve who are activated or deployed and whose children are enrolled in non-DoD licensed child care programs.
Military Child Care in Your Neighborhood(MCCIYN)
Help support military families with the high cost of child care outside military installations by locating high-quality child care in local communities, subsidizing the cost of high-quality child care, and provide a subsidy for 60 days while a non-military spouse is looking for work.
Child Care Assistance For Families of Severely Injured Military Families
NACCRRA will coordinate with state and local Child Care Resource and Referral agencies to help military families locate child care in the civilian community when a military program is unavailable. This will allow the spouse to be at bedside or to help with outpatient medical appointments. NACCRRA and the DOD will provide an offset to the civilian child care fees during the recovery period.
This is a Community Resource and Referral Program that provides military families with a high-quality licensed child care referral list with age-appropriate vacancies and provide military families with MCCIYN or OMCC subsidy information. Programs offered by NACCRRA are:
- Operation Child care
- Operation Military Child Care (OMCC)
- Military Child Care in Your Neighborhood (MCCIYN)
- Child Care Assistance for Families of Severely Injured Military

Youth Programs / May Calendar
Gymnastic Classes
Youth Piano Lessons
Youth Programs for 2014
Before & After School Programs
Youth Programs
School Age Program
active duty personnel and DoD civilians by offering a safe learning environment for youths ages 6 to 18. Located in Bldg 1143 near Fowler Park, the Youth Center is affiliated with the Boys and Girls Club.
include homework assistance, computer resource, job referral, community service projects, youth transition programs, social programs, sports programs, instructional classes, before-and-after school programs, summer and holiday camp programs.
include the Boys and Girls Fine Arts Contest, the Boys and Girls Club Photography Contest, the Teen Talent Show, the Boys and Girls Club Youth of the Year Program, and the Youth Holiday Fashion Show.
are welcome to join the Boys and Girls Club ?Torch Club?, which guides them in becoming productive citizens. Youth ages 14 to 18 will benefit from the Center?s career preparation program and financial skills classes, as well as the Boys and Girls Club ?Keystone Club?, which promotes leadership and citizenship.
For further information, visit the Youth Activities Center office, or
call (623) 856-7470 or (623) 856-7471.
Layette Program
A layette of baby items is provided within 30 days of birth to all E-5 and below active duty members of all branches of military. Activated Reservists with orders of 30 days or longer are entitled to a layette (please provide a copy of your orders when requesting layette). The member of spouse must pick up the layette within 30 days of the birth of the baby with proper identification (birth certificate or baby?s hospital bracelet). Layettes are available for pickup at the Airman & Family Readiness Center, Building 1113 (across from the Child Development Center). Click here for our Hours of Operation.
This program is supported by the Luke Officers? Spouses' Club and the Combined Federal Campaign.
As a new arrival, you may feel like you?re in limbo while waiting for your household goods. One of the first stops, especially if arriving ahead of household goods, will be at the Family Services Loan Closet. We?re here to help make things easier? and when you?re ready to leave we would like to make your farewell as painless as possible. The Loan Closet has everything needed to set up a home while awaiting household goods delivered.
Loan Closet
While you wait for your household goods (or after they?ve been packed for departure) we?re happy to loan pots and pans, dishes, irons, futons, and more (ALL FREE OF CHARGE!). Length of loan varies, depending on status (PCS or TDY). Two-week guest loans are available to military, retired military, and Luke civilian employees.
The Loan Closet is not staffed and is located in a separate building. Building 1140 known as the Family Services and WIC building is between the Medical Facility and Luke A&FRC. To make an appointment to check out or check in loan center items please call 623-856-6550.
Family Services welcomes new volunteers desiring to provide this helpful service for their community as well. If you are interested in volunteering with Family Services contact the A&FRC.
Women, Infant & Children (WIC)
The state-contracted and federally funded WIC Program serves the nutritional needs of low-income pregnant and postpartum women, as well as infants and children through the age of five. Clients receive food vouchers, nutrition counseling and breastfeeding education. To qualify, clients must present proof of address, proof of identification, and proof of income.
The WIC Office is located in Building 1140. Current office hours are Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 0800 to 1700 hours. Closed for lunch between 1115-1300 hours. We ask for your patience should these times need to be flexed. Customers who are coming in for the first time or for renewals are asked to arrive NLT 1115. The on-base telephone number is (623)856-3118. For questions outside of Luke's WIC office hours please call 1-877-809-5092 extension 1508.